Need some inspiration??

If you're a pole dancer and you don't know who Cleo is there's a good chance you've been living under a rock.

Cleo is an instructor at Bobbis Pole studio, the current Miss Pole Dance NSW and more importantly MISS POLE DANCE AUSTRALIA 2012!!

Cleo started teaching at Bobbis in 2010, I actually remember seeing her come in to teach her first class (advanced) and how nervous she looked. Now two and a half years later, it's amazing to see how much she has transformed as a dancer/performer. Watching the DVD from the Miss Pole Dance Australia Final in 2009 and then watching her routine from the next year and then watching her winning performance from last year is nothing short of inspiring. It just goes to show how much difference some time and dedication can make.

And it's not just her dancing that's inspiring, listening to Cleo talk about the next show she's planning and how excited she gets about the whole creative process makes you want to start planning your next routine. She has such a positive happy energy that is so infectious it's hard not to be in a good mood when she's around (and it's going to suck balls big time when she leaves us at the end of this term to head to Berlin for the rest of the year).

But if you need some more inspiration, then you need to check out this video that Cleo posted the other day, the beginning is from about 3.5 years ago, the second half of the video is her now.

Here is the link to the video Cleo's Facebook Video and while you're there make sure you like her new Facebook Fan Page Cleo The Hurricane

I could go on and on and on and on forever about how awesome Cleo is.. but I'll save that for another time when my brain doesn't feel like it's fried.



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